Lifestyle Design in Action – A Story Series

This is a new series on my blog where I’ll be publishing contributed posts by people who have successfully implemented one of the aspects of Lifestyle Design into their life. They are changing their own lives and the lives of people around them.

This will be an ongoing theme and all the Stories will be present on this page in chronological order. If you would like to contribute and you think your story fits right in, email us with your story in the email body itself, at –

LifestyleArchitectureLab [at] Gmail [dot] com

We will review your story and get back to you.

– Himanshu Sachdeva

List of published stories in chronological order –

  1. Following your heart, going all in and building a 6 figure business
  2. Craving – The state of mind
  3. Yoga – A way of life
  4. Living the Middle Path