Saturday-Pentacle // Issue 216 // Week 13 // 2022

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By Himanshu Sachdeva

Hi Friends!

Greetings from Mumbai!

Here is this week’s Saturday-Pentacle. A list of things and ideas I found Interesting.

Issue 216 // Week 13 // 2022

An article I found really interesting and pragmatic

A Simple Way to Map Out Your Career Ambitions – This HBR article is really powerful and can help you put on the course to success in your career.

From where you currently are in your career and life, to where you want to be in your career and life.

A Tweet Thread I found useful

This thread from Wes on giving feedback is old but I stumbled upon it recently and found it to be quite insightful and practically useful.

A beautiful demonstration of Science Vs Music —

CYMATIC Frequencies – This video is just spectacular, I’m so glad the internet connects you with such things which take you back to the first principles of nature. Sound and Science and how they converge into each other.

A podcast episode which I loved —

Matt Mullenweg and Tim Ferriss episode from Antarctica – This episode was such an in depth look into how Matt and Tim’s though process works.

The conversation goes from the insignificance of humans (compared to the universe and yet how they are making this life worth living) to how death of Matt’s father changed the way he thought about many of the things.

The sincerity of the conversation is like having a deep conversation with a close friend. I think that’s what is the relation between Matt and Tim and hence this came out this way.

Really interesting episode, especially if you are curious about existence, life paths and curiosity about the unknown.

Quote which I found meaningful –

“Rest at the end, not in the middle”

— Kobe Bryant

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for supporting and reading.


PS. – I’m on Twitter and Instagram. Follow for regular tidbits.

Saturday-Pentacle // Issue 216 // Week 13 // 2022

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