Saturday-Pentacle – Week 41 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 41 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

App of the week –


I found this app almost 4 years back when I was using an Android device  (Moto X – First Generation).

Purpose of this app is to integrate your phone seamlessly with your computer. So If you install this app both on your mobile phone and your computer, you’ll be able to do bidirectional things on both the devices.

For example – How many times you wanted to send that article from your phone to your laptop for better reading but you put it in the reading list and never opened it back on your computer. Now that problem is solved. Just share that article via push bullet app to your laptop/computer and get the article link right away on your laptop instantly.

It works backwards too, for example – How many times you wanted to quickly send your resume or any other document for that matter from your laptop to your phone instantly, but there was no option so you have to use email and send it to yourself and then read it on your mobile device. That problem is solved with Pushbullet. Just drag your file in Pushbullet – devices tab and send the file directly to your favorite device in an instant.

Plus you’ll be able to see all your phone notification on your laptop as well. But one caveat, Pushbullet will require permission to access your notification. So do it with understanding that Pushbullet can read all your notifications. It shouldn’t be a problem except for if you are a privacy nerd.

Just in case if I got you curious, you can go check out this app –

My most popular Instagram post recently

Streets of Daman!
Very few cities in india have that feeling of emptiness. Daman is one of them. A union territory with a Portuguese history. This place feels abandoned by the natives. Though the Nani Daman area is very structured but streets are almost empty with very few people in sight.
When I talked to my cabbie about this, he told, natives have shifted to places like London, but visit once in one or two years.
This city feels like a perfect example of having everything but still feeling empty.

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

Exploring Myself as a Minimalist – A good read on minimalism. If you are feeling overwhelmed with life, this article may guide you in the right direction.

Summary of the article – Along with a personal story of minimal lifestyle, this article guides to ask ourselves three important questions –

  1. What is important?
  2. What do I love?
  3. And what do I want my life to be like?

Actionable from the article – You should ask these three questions to yourself and see what stays in your life and what goes out.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Escape Everything 2 by Majestic Casual – They are back and with chill vibes. Majestic Casual is one of my favorite stations for chill music. This new playlist by them is something I work on with for hours.

Here is the YouTube link –

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
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