Saturday-Pentacle – Week 28 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 28 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

App of the week –


Diet tracking isn’t a very entertaining task. But if you are really serious about making your diet and exercise plans work. Then diet tracking has to be one of the top most priorities for you.

MyFitnessPal is my personal favourite for this purpose. I’ve been using this app even before it was acquired by Under Armour back in 2015. What makes this app useful is the fact that they have a website complimenting their mobile apps and that’s a huge plus. When you are in office having a few moments, you can log your diet from there or when you are commuting you can log your diet from mobile apps. It’s really easy.

Secondly, they have a large collection of foods and meals, which even includes Indian dishes or meals. So logging a meal is a buttery smooth experience.

In my experience of diet tracking, this app has been really useful and just even the idea of having a look at what you are eating at the end of the day makes sense. It makes you conscious towards your eating choices.

Just in case if I got you curious, you can go check out this app –

My most popular Instagram post recently

Returning from our morning adventures, saw this beautiful panorama.

Sometimes sky meets the land right in the water and we never mind to notice.

Today we did and never was I in more awe, than seeing those creamy dreamy clouds, peeking themselves in the mirror of still water. And then there was this flock of birds wandering above!

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

How Quantum Suicide Works – Well! Don’t just go on the title literally, it’s not mainly about suicide. But about quantum physics.

Summary of the article – This article basically explains the Many-Worlds theory. According to the Many-Worlds theory, for each possible outcome to an action, the world splits into a copy of itself. This is an instantaneous process called decohesion. It’s kind of like a choose-your-own-adventure book, but rather than choosing between either exploring the cave or making off with the treasure, the universe splits in two so that each action is taken.

What I’m reading/watching/listening to

Kyle Maynard: No Arms and No Legs Climbing Mount KilimanjaroA few days back I saw this video and it instantly boosted my confidence from being in a deep pit (of confidence level) to feeling like I can do it.

Kyle Maynard who was born with a congenital condition that stunted the growth of both arms and legs. But, that did not stop him from being a wrestler, owner of a fitness gym, MMA fighter and conqueror of Mount Kilimanjaro. He is indeed a true testament of human spirit and determination.

There were a few moments in between I couldn’t stop a few tears rolling down, the tears you get from an overwhelming feeling. Feeling of perseverance.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“You can shear a sheep many times but you can skin him only once.”

— American Proverb

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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