Saturday-Pentacle – Week 36 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 36 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

App of the week –

Doodle: Easy Scheduling

As days pass, we are always caught in the illusion of being busy. But the reality is not being able to manage our time effectively.

Usually, when we are doing a full-time job or building a business, we have to get through multiple meetings every day. When you have a team of multiple people working together on something or probably multiple clients. It sometimes gets overwhelming to schedule a meeting where everybody’s time fits in properly.

I had heard about the Doodle app from the Tim Ferriss4 Hour work week book. However, I recently discovered that they have a mobile app as well now. Both for iOS and Android. Which makes it super easy now to schedule a meeting.

What you need to do is just open this app and create an event with multiple times slots showing your availability and then that’s it. A URL is created having meeting details and your open time slots. Forward this URL to People and they can just book any time slot available as per their schedule which matches everyone’s open time slots.

Otherwise, this kind of scheduling might involve calling all the invitees individually and asking for their time slots and then putting a meeting invite. Doodle solves that problem with 3-4 taps on this app.

Just in case if I got you curious, you can go check out this app –

My most popular Instagram post recently

Rustic mystery!
It was a grey day rather evening should I say.
My body was drained out of the juice and I wanted to sit somewhere immediately.
That was when I heard a scratching sound which came from an old abandoned house from the left side of the street.
In this tiring condition I would never have turned my head towards this house which was rustic and strangely terrifying.
I saw there was a spiral staircase going up to first floor and then second floor subsequently.
There was something strange towards these stairs which was inviting, in a weird way….Read more


Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

Drinking Coffee May Help You Live Longer – What? How can coffee enhance your longevity? Well, this article answers that, scientifically (well…sort of).

Summary of the article Coffee is associated with longevity in this said research in the article, however before you up your coffee consumption in celebration. You may want to consider choosing the less jittery route, probably, a decaf Coffee? (Less caffeine = Less Jittery feeling). Well, that’s worth giving a shot. More on decaf coffee and how it affects you – click here. This is the one I’ve used earlier.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Dare to refuse the origin myths that claim who you are – A deep and a meaningful Ted Talk by Human rights activist Chetan Bhatt, which will force you to rethink about your whole existence. He strikes a chord when he talks about why religion and other origin/identity myths might not a have a place in future.

Get a double espresso and listen to this amazing 22 minutes intense Ted talk.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“A new idea comes suddenly and in a rather intuitive way. But intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience.”

— Albert Einstein

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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