Saturday-Pentacle – Week 34 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 34 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

Post of the week –

Vlog – Koparkhairane Ghansoli Run

Vlog – Koparkhairane Ghansoli Run – I made this 5 minutes vlog last week, about our group run at Koparkhairane Ghansoli Route.

Hope you like it. Please give it a thumbs up or share your feedback in the YouTube comments.

My most popular Instagram post recently

Trains crossing over!

Sometimes there are moments, when suddenly a guy ghosts away from the waiting bench between two trains.

And you say what the f**k!?

Look for it in the middle of the video.

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

How to Brake While Towing – Came across this how to article this week and found it very useful. As we all (who drive) come across a situation where you have to tow a car (punctured or broken), so we must know, how to brake while there is a vehicle on our tow. You might find it handy.

Summary of the article This article advises speed is the key. More than even the technique of your braking, the speed of your primary vehicle which is carrying the tow. You should take a good long way to slow down and brake. First, down shift if you have a manual transmission on your vehicle and then according to the distance between your primary vehicle and the towed vehicle, make slow brakes. Being conscious about it shall make you avoid any sudden and panic brake while having a tow on your tail. Not a good spot to be in.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Why humans run the world – When I heard about the book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari from various intellectual sources like Tim Ferriss, Kevin Rose and few other blogs, it intrigued me a lot and I put it on my reading list for this year.

Then last week I came across this TED Talk by Yuval on why humans run the world and not the Chimpanzees and how the Machine learning and artificial intelligence might be putting the final nail in the coffin of the current classes of people. Probably a new class of people might just be emerging which is the useless people class, who are made redundant by machines.

Really interesting theory by Yuval, have a listen.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – Today’s quote is inspired by Vishal Sikka’s exit as a CEO from Infosys. He was a misfit from the cultural perspective. Hence, as Mr Peter Drucker once said.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast everyday.”

— Peter Drucker

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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