Saturday-Pentacle – Week 40 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 40 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

App of the week –


This week I’m re-featuring one of my favorite Lifestyle App and it’s MyFitnessPal.

If you are on a weight loss journey and feeling it’s not working, chances are you’re doing the diet wrong.

Diet tracking isn’t a very entertaining task. But if you are really serious about making your diet and exercise plans work. Then diet tracking has to be one of the top most priorities for you.

MyFitnessPal is my personal favourite for this purpose. I’ve been using this app even before it was acquired by Under Armour back in 2015. What makes this app useful is the fact that they have a website complimenting their mobile apps and that’s a huge plus. When you are in office having a few moments, you can log your diet from the website there or when you are commuting you can log your diet from mobile app. It’s really easy.

Secondly, they have a large collection of foods and meals, which even includes Indian dishes or meals. So logging a meal is a buttery smooth experience.

In my experience of diet tracking, this app has been really useful and just even the idea of having a look at what you are eating at the end of the day makes sense. It makes you conscious towards your eating choices.

Just in case if I got you curious, you can go check out this app –

My most popular Instagram post recently

Today’s short story is dedicated to a dear friend and colleague who passed away young, couple of weeks back.⠀
His last message – “Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful too.”⠀
Story – ⠀
Endings can be beautiful too!
“I think we’ll miss the sunset. But that’s ok. There is another one tomorrow.” I said.⠀
“No! I don’t want to miss. Let’s try. Uncle, please drive fast!” She said, pushing the cabbie.⠀
We were 5 mins late from the perfect sunset. But still, it was not down under, we caught it right before it was going to be engulfed by the sea.⠀
We sat on a crack on that lighthouse wall and just waited for the dying orange sky to be dark.⠀
Who thought the endings could be beautiful too?⠀

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

Why You Need Emotional Intelligence To Succeed In Business – Yet another good article from Darius Foroux. This article talks about EI (Emotional Intelligence), why it matters more than IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and also shares the process of how to improve your EI. Good Read.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Why our screens make us less happy | Adam Alter – This small (under 10 minutes) TED talk by Adam Alter is quickly becomes an eye opener as soon as you are done watching this talk. His psychological analysis of how people use screens and how addictive these screens are, is fascinating.

Adam is an Associate Professor of Marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business, with an affiliated appointment in the New York University Psychology Department.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“In a sense, people are our proper occupation. Our job is to do them good and put up with them.”

― Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 til 180)

Until Next Saturday!

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  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 39 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 39 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

My Kit –

Budget Photography Setup

Sharing my photography kit here, with you guys. All the products shared go well with each other as per my experience. This kit is for beginner to Intermediate level photography and will cost under 50K Rupees. If you are serious about your photography or want to level up your game from that smartphone photography, you should definitely check out my Budget Photography Setup kit.

My most popular Instagram post recently

Be the light!
Hello hello darkness,
My old friend,
I’ve come to talk to you again.
But this time with a torch,
I won’t stand down, I won’t go back,
I will lit you up, even if I have to put my hand through your brick wall.

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

Traveling in India, Confused Kasol or Kasauli? – Not until few months back I thought Kasol and Kasauli were the same. But when I got to know about this fact they are not. I was curious to know more about Kasol. As I’ve been to Kasauli earlier but not Kasol. A good read for explorers and travelers.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

42 Grand Central – A short – Through the VSCO community I got to know about this artist Adam Magyar, who got bored of the normal form of photography or filming, so he derived a whole new way of photography and made his own custom equipment to achieve that feat.

Check out his Vimeo Channel here, for more content. Amazing stuff.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“The Principle of Priority states (a) you must know the difference between what is urgent and what is important, and (b) you must do what’s important first.”

― Steven Pressfield (The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles)

Until Next Saturday!

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  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
  2. Join my reader’s list – It helps us a lot when you become a subscriber, it smoothens you experience on Lifestyle Architecture Lab. Being on email list provides you additional benefits like some exclusive content, webinar’s, free goodies and all of it will be FREE. Please click the link above to join now or put your email address in the below box and hit subscribe.

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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 38 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 38 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

App of the week –

Rainmeter – Desktop Customization Tool

This is an amazing tool for customizing your windows based desktop. It can literally be used to customize your desktop in any way possible. With putting life into your music player into or visually delightful active desktop screen. It can do it all plus it’s free and open source.

Take a look at my recent customization to get a feel of it –

P.S.: The dock used here in this example is Rocket Dock app which is also open source and free.

Just in case if I got you curious, you can go check out these two apps –

My most popular Instagram post recently

Chai is always a GOOD idea!
When rainy day, cool breeze and great ambiance set the mood of the evening. Chai is usually a GOOD idea!

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

The 10-Minute Exercise Tony Robbins Does Every Morning to Have More Energy – Tony Robbins is a legend in personal growth space from past few decades. He has so much energy that it inspires you. If you want to start your day the same way he does you only need to set aside 10 minutes.

Summary of the article – Tony Robbins calls this 10 mins exercise – ‘Priming’

  1. Breathing Exercise – Robbins created his own version of an ancient yoga technique called Kapalabhati Pranayama breathing. The breathing exercise should take around a minute with each of the remaining three steps lasting around three minutes.
  2. Express Gratitude – Take a few minutes to think of three things he’s grateful for, spending about a minute on each.
  3. Experience connection – Imagine a light flowing into the top of your head and then spreading into the rest of your body, strengthening and healing you. This makes you feel connected.
  4. Visualize success – Last three minutes visualize what it is like to achieve a goal. “Don’t think about making it happen, see it as done”.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban – Tim Urban is one of my favorite bloggers and writers. But he too faces the same problem we do – procrastination. But I din’t imagine he would show his world of procrastination with this detail. It blew my mind in a funny but eye opening way.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”

― Victor Borge

Until Next Saturday!

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A couple of things I could use your help with:

  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
  2. Join my reader’s list – It helps us a lot when you become a subscriber, it smoothens you experience on Lifestyle Architecture Lab. Being on email list provides you additional benefits like some exclusive content, webinar’s, free goodies and all of it will be FREE. Please click the link above to join now or put your email address in the below box and hit subscribe.

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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 37 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 37 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

App of the week –


Time for a new app this week. Trello is a modern app for organizing about everything in your life. A work project, a healthy routine, a kitchen redesign project? Trello gets all these done in a beautiful way. It has a refreshing design and logic. It has four main components in it’s design as an organizing app –

  1. Boards – For each project you create a board.
  2. Lists – In each board you can put tasks into lists.
  3. Cards – In each list you can put a main task as a card, each card can have more details of the task and sub tasks as checklists.
  4. Menu – Like it’s name, menu is for certain tasks like filtering your cards, changing board background and activity log etc.

As I’ve been following Trello from past few years but not until recently I started using it more than just glancing. I found it quite satisfying for organizing purpose and design wise. In earlier days of Trello I couldn’t digest it’s horizontal design but now I’m growing more and more fond of it as I’m using it.

Just in case if I got you curious, you can go check out this app –

My most popular Instagram post recently

Paint the world you need to see!
When you don’t know how to exist in the world you are in, paint the world with your imagination on the canvas of life as you need to see.

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

To Eat or Not to Eat? The Skinny on Intermittent Fasting – You are doing strength exercise for fat less or getting lean but it’s not working? This article might have something helpful for you.

Summary of the article This article suggests intermittent fasting along with strength training to speed up your fat burning process. As the name suggests the logic is to put an extended gap between your meals. Intermittent fasting can be done in many ways, few ways mentioned in this article –

  • 16/8 method – Skip breakfast, and consume your first meal at noon and keep eating up to eight o’clock in the evening, then repeat.
  • 5:2 diet – Fast for 2 days in a week and those 2 days need not be back to back. Calorie consumption should be cut to 500-600 calories.
  • Eat Stop Eat –Eat what you want for 24 hours and then take a complete break from food on the following day. Repeat once or twice a week.

In all these methods Calorie-free beverages are allowed and food you take in the non-fasting hours shall not be compromised by eating burgers or other junk food. Be conscious with what you put inside your stomach.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

1% Better Every Day – This is a keynote speech by one of my favorite Author James Clear. In this speech, James puts his habit forming theories across with Stories and tells us how being 1% better every day in even seemingly trivial things of our every day life can expand our potential exponentially.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.”

― John Lennon

Until Next Saturday!

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A couple of things I could use your help with:

  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
  2. Join my reader’s list – It helps us a lot when you become a subscriber, it smoothens you experience on Lifestyle Architecture Lab. Being on email list provides you additional benefits like some exclusive content, webinar’s, free goodies and all of it will be FREE. Please click the link above to join now or put your email address in the below box and hit subscribe.

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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 36 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 36 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

App of the week –

Doodle: Easy Scheduling

As days pass, we are always caught in the illusion of being busy. But the reality is not being able to manage our time effectively.

Usually, when we are doing a full-time job or building a business, we have to get through multiple meetings every day. When you have a team of multiple people working together on something or probably multiple clients. It sometimes gets overwhelming to schedule a meeting where everybody’s time fits in properly.

I had heard about the Doodle app from the Tim Ferriss4 Hour work week book. However, I recently discovered that they have a mobile app as well now. Both for iOS and Android. Which makes it super easy now to schedule a meeting.

What you need to do is just open this app and create an event with multiple times slots showing your availability and then that’s it. A URL is created having meeting details and your open time slots. Forward this URL to People and they can just book any time slot available as per their schedule which matches everyone’s open time slots.

Otherwise, this kind of scheduling might involve calling all the invitees individually and asking for their time slots and then putting a meeting invite. Doodle solves that problem with 3-4 taps on this app.

Just in case if I got you curious, you can go check out this app –

My most popular Instagram post recently

Rustic mystery!
It was a grey day rather evening should I say.
My body was drained out of the juice and I wanted to sit somewhere immediately.
That was when I heard a scratching sound which came from an old abandoned house from the left side of the street.
In this tiring condition I would never have turned my head towards this house which was rustic and strangely terrifying.
I saw there was a spiral staircase going up to first floor and then second floor subsequently.
There was something strange towards these stairs which was inviting, in a weird way….Read more


Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

Drinking Coffee May Help You Live Longer – What? How can coffee enhance your longevity? Well, this article answers that, scientifically (well…sort of).

Summary of the article Coffee is associated with longevity in this said research in the article, however before you up your coffee consumption in celebration. You may want to consider choosing the less jittery route, probably, a decaf Coffee? (Less caffeine = Less Jittery feeling). Well, that’s worth giving a shot. More on decaf coffee and how it affects you – click here. This is the one I’ve used earlier.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Dare to refuse the origin myths that claim who you are – A deep and a meaningful Ted Talk by Human rights activist Chetan Bhatt, which will force you to rethink about your whole existence. He strikes a chord when he talks about why religion and other origin/identity myths might not a have a place in future.

Get a double espresso and listen to this amazing 22 minutes intense Ted talk.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – 

“A new idea comes suddenly and in a rather intuitive way. But intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience.”

— Albert Einstein

Until Next Saturday!

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  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
  2. Join my reader’s list – It helps us a lot when you become a subscriber, it smoothens you experience on Lifestyle Architecture Lab. Being on email list provides you additional benefits like some exclusive content, webinar’s, free goodies and all of it will be FREE. Please click the link above to join now or put your email address in the below box and hit subscribe.

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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 35 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 35 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

Post of the week –

26 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known When I Was 20 Years Old – In this post, I share 26 things I wish I had known when I was 20 years old. Of course I don’t know everything, but hopefully, these 26 things will help you become a better person.

Please enjoy and don’t forget to leave a comment on the post.

My most popular Instagram post recently

Coffee and shelter!

It was raining. Hard. We were all drenched.

Everything was on a halt. The city, the transport and the life itself. We were thinking what place we can go to, to be safe and get away from the heavy down pour. After thinking for a while I said, lets check if our cafe (the usual place) is open.

In the hope of finding shelter we waded through the water and crossed a few streets. To our lucky surprise the cafe was the only place which was open.

We were relieved. I looked at her and we both smiled.

We entered the cafe all dripping water from our clothes.

Just two customers were there, few servers and then some.

We were happy that we were safe, we went to the end, the couch setting. It was not the usual place we sat at. But we could recharge our phones to let people know that we were safe and then the coffee came.

Good things happen in most unthinkable circumstances. Sometime back we were worried about survival and now we were having this comforting cuppa joe.

I clutched her hand tight and our hearts smiled as we sipped the coffee.

Life is such, a cup of coffee after a rain storm.

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

Sheryl Sandberg Just Gave Some Brilliant Career Advice – Sheryl Sandberg who is the COO of Facebook was interviewed by Inc and she gave a brilliant piece of advice on career and the best part is it will work for someone new at the job or someone as experienced as Sheryl herself. Read on by clicking the above link. It’s a good one.

Summary of the article Two words – Ruthless Prioritization. Quit wasting your time on the mediocre things or even just the ‘good’ ones. Choose great ones and then put in the work and energy.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Amazing Podcast Episode – The Darius Foroux Show – Ryan Holiday: How To Create A Perennial Seller– Ryan Holiday inspires me a lot. So when I recently stumbled upon this new podcast and found Ryan as a guest. I couldn’t stop myself listening to it immediately and as expected it was a treat. So much to learn from this podcast. If you are a writer or a content creator. Get a pen and paper out for making notes.

Podcast links – Sound Cloud | iTunes

Quote I’m pondering on lately – Today’s quote is inspired from the fundamental point of my venture Lifestyle Architecture Lab, which is minimalism.

“It is vain to do with more what can be done with less. ”

—WILLIAM OF OCCAM (1300–1350), originator of “Occam’s Razor”

Until Next Saturday!

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  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
  2. Join my reader’s list – It helps us a lot when you become a subscriber, it smoothens you experience on Lifestyle Architecture Lab. Being on email list provides you additional benefits like some exclusive content, webinar’s, free goodies and all of it will be FREE. Please click the link above to join now or put your email address in the below box and hit subscribe.

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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 34 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 34 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

Post of the week –

Vlog – Koparkhairane Ghansoli Run

Vlog – Koparkhairane Ghansoli Run – I made this 5 minutes vlog last week, about our group run at Koparkhairane Ghansoli Route.

Hope you like it. Please give it a thumbs up or share your feedback in the YouTube comments.

My most popular Instagram post recently

Trains crossing over!

Sometimes there are moments, when suddenly a guy ghosts away from the waiting bench between two trains.

And you say what the f**k!?

Look for it in the middle of the video.

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

How to Brake While Towing – Came across this how to article this week and found it very useful. As we all (who drive) come across a situation where you have to tow a car (punctured or broken), so we must know, how to brake while there is a vehicle on our tow. You might find it handy.

Summary of the article This article advises speed is the key. More than even the technique of your braking, the speed of your primary vehicle which is carrying the tow. You should take a good long way to slow down and brake. First, down shift if you have a manual transmission on your vehicle and then according to the distance between your primary vehicle and the towed vehicle, make slow brakes. Being conscious about it shall make you avoid any sudden and panic brake while having a tow on your tail. Not a good spot to be in.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Why humans run the world – When I heard about the book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari from various intellectual sources like Tim Ferriss, Kevin Rose and few other blogs, it intrigued me a lot and I put it on my reading list for this year.

Then last week I came across this TED Talk by Yuval on why humans run the world and not the Chimpanzees and how the Machine learning and artificial intelligence might be putting the final nail in the coffin of the current classes of people. Probably a new class of people might just be emerging which is the useless people class, who are made redundant by machines.

Really interesting theory by Yuval, have a listen.

Quote I’m pondering on lately – Today’s quote is inspired by Vishal Sikka’s exit as a CEO from Infosys. He was a misfit from the cultural perspective. Hence, as Mr Peter Drucker once said.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast everyday.”

— Peter Drucker

Until Next Saturday!

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A couple of things I could use your help with:

  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
  2. Join my reader’s list – It helps us a lot when you become a subscriber, it smoothens you experience on Lifestyle Architecture Lab. Being on email list provides you additional benefits like some exclusive content, webinar’s, free goodies and all of it will be FREE. Please click the link above to join now or put your email address in the below box and hit subscribe.

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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 33 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 33 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

Post of the week –

Q&A Tuesday

Q&A Tuesday – In the last week, on the Independence day eve (15th Aug), I did a Q&A Tuesday post, which was published later in the week. In this Q&A, I answered an interesting question sent by Ankita from Mumbai.

Question. Being workaholic is not always being effective at the workplace, so how do I make myself more effective and keep my work more sorted?

Check out my answer and details in the podcast.

Listen to it –

  • iPhone users – click here.
  • Android users – click here.

My most popular Instagram post recently

The Beatles

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life.

When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance.

We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create.

Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.

― John Lennon

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

Coconut Oil Tea – Today it’s not an article what I’m sharing but a recipe. I recently learned about this one and oh boy it made my Green Tea taste so good.

Summary of the article Make your green tea in the normal fashion and add one tablespoon of Raw Coconut Oil. Stir it well for 5 minutes until the goodness of the oil melts in your Tea and Tada!! I recommend reading the article for more in-depth details like double antioxidant properties etc.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Bridge of Spies – If you love historical thrillers spy movies! You are in for a treat!

This Steven Spielberg movie starring  Tom Hanks as  James Donovan who was a lawyer in Brooklyn is turned into a negotiator by situations and does the job so amazingly is thrilling in itself.

The best part of the historical war or spy movies is that you get to experience the era long before you, which is untouched or unseen by you and now can never be seen again. That fascinates me.

This particular movie is about a specific scene when James Donovan is made the defender of a Soviet Spy Rudolf Abel. The whole country feels against the defending of this Soviet spy but James predicts that he might be useful in exchange of our soldier/spy in the time of the cold war with Russia. It turns out to be true, the prediction. Gary Powers who was a pilot of experimental super high altitude aircraft U2 is attacked over the clouds. He and his aircraft go down in Soviet Territory and eventually, James’s prediction comes true. US government then sends James himself for the negotiation of this exchange. Where instead of just getting Gary Powers the pilot, he also retrieves another hostage  Frederic L. Pryor who was an American PhD student at the time in Germany and was held by the Germans in the time of cold war.

Some scenes in the movie will feel spine shivering if you are a war movie fanatic.

Here is a trailer to get you curious –

Quote I’m pondering on lately –

“He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight”

— Sun Tzu (The art of war)

Until Next Saturday!

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  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
  2. Join my reader’s list – It helps us a lot when you become a subscriber, it smoothens you experience on Lifestyle Architecture Lab. Being on email list provides you additional benefits like some exclusive content, webinar’s, free goodies and all of it will be FREE. Please click the link above to join now or put your email address in the below box and hit subscribe.

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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 32 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 32 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

Product of the week –

Fast&Up Reload

Reload is an amazing product from Fast&Up. Designed specifically as an ‘in workout’ hydration drink. It comes as tablets in a tube bottle. 2 tabs for 500 ml of water, which can provide sufficient hydration for a 10k run (as per my experience).

Just in case if I got you curious, you can go check out this Amazon link (affiliate link) – Fast&Up Reload

My most popular Instagram post recently

Remember me.

Nick was watching through the barbed wire window, from the other side wall of the graveyard.⠀

After that day he couldn’t confront her, even when she was dead.⠀

They both were standing near the highway 8, car parked off the road, gates were open.⠀

It was a very pitty thing on which they started arguing. They were frustrated and hence got into this meaningless fight.⠀

Without her knowing she had moved to the edge of the road.⠀

A guy in a blue porche, was talking over phone and he too was arguing with someone over the phone. Probably another case of boyfriend girlfriend trouble.⠀


Porche hit the girl and ran over her.⠀

While Nick just froze in his feet.⠀

“Carla!!!!”, he shouted after a few seconds as he unfroze.⠀

She was not moving much, her head was smashed under the front left wheel of the porche. Blood stream came down from her head and spread covered a big part of the road.⠀

Porche guy was frozen too. But before anyone could do anything, he speed up and ran from the scene.⠀

Nick came running to Carla. He was crying like a baby saying, “Baby, get up! Don’t leave me, Don’t go!”⠀

She just said, “Remember me” as she slowly drifted into deathly darkness.

Today Nick was looking at her grave from outside, as he couldn’t gather the courage to get past the gate of the graveyard. A voice came back to his head, “Remember me”.⠀

Tears rolled down his cheeks and he swayed away from the wall.

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

The Neuroscience of Seeing an Ex – An interesting scientific dissection of the phenomenon of meeting an ex after long. The end of this article seems to be inspired by one short article written by yours truly.

Summary of the article The people in our life either the ones who are there right now or an ex, play an important part in shaping and making who you are today. You are nothing but a pile of experiences.

I’m reading/watching/listening to

Hicksaw Ridge – I saw this World War II movie this week and usually I don’t break a tear, but the performance of Andrew Garfield as the WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss broke my resistance of a heart felt cry. Desmond Doss who served during the Battle of Okinawa, refused to kill people and became the first Conscientious Objector in American history to win the Congressional Medal of Honor.

This movie is directed by Mel Gibson, the legendary actor and director, who is known for producing movies of this grit. But Andrew Garfield just nailed this one with his epic performance. His accent felt very close to real life Desmond Doss, the emotion he carried, the perseverance he showed in this performance and the historical dialogue ‘Please Lord! Help me get one more, help me get one more’. It was Faith, Grit and Glory.

Desmond Doss carried 70+ injured soldiers alone from that ridge on that day of War. That is why he got the biggest military award of America.

This movie is worth the time spent. Here is the trailer to give you some chills.

Quote I’m pondering on lately –

“It is impossible to learn that which one thinks one already knows”

— Epictetus (Greek Stoic philosopher from AD 50 – 135)

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


A couple of things I could use your help with:

  1. Have a relevant topic, which I should be covering? Write to me directly or fill out this form and let me know.
  2. Join my reader’s list – It helps us a lot when you become a subscriber, it smoothens you experience on Lifestyle Architecture Lab. Being on email list provides you additional benefits like some exclusive content, webinar’s, free goodies and all of it will be FREE. Please click the link above to join now or put your email address in the below box and hit subscribe.

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Saturday-Pentacle – Week 31 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 31 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

App of the week –


This app will make you teleported to another country, any country you want!

Just kidding, if not teleport YOU, at least it will teleport your IP address to look like one from UK or USA or NZ any country you want.

How is it helpful you ask?

Because there are many apps and services which are available to certain countries for example – Spotify, which is not available in many countries including India. But with a private VPN app like TunnelBear, you can temporarily change your device IP to not only download this app, but it will keep your Spotify app running until next reboot of the device or 14 days, whichever is earlier. But that’s just Spotify app, there are many more services, like Hulu, Netflix (I know Netflix launched in India, but the catalogue of shows in US and India are very much different). So this app magically changes your IP through VPN tunnelling and helps you use any services available in another country.

Plus its totally legal service and free till 500MB use per month. To change your IP just start it and stop this app after some time and your IP will remain changed to the logged in apps. So that won’t let you consume 500MB of the VPN service. Just in case you do, you can upgrade to the paid plan where you get unlimited data of VPN tunnelling.

Just in case if I got you curious, you can go check out this app –

My most popular Instagram post recently

Sailing on my shoes!

It was a long day, we were so tired that our feet were killing us, somehow we reached the end of the world. We stood there for few moments then sat on the edge of the world. In front of us was the endless ocean. Our tiredness, our failures of the day everything fell away. Then I stretched my legs and before even I knew, I was sailing, sailing on my shoes.

I hold her hand and whistled like a happy lad.

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

THE CANVAS STRATEGY – This is a gem of an article from one of my favourite authors Ryan Holiday. Originally I read about this strategy in his book ‘Ego is the enemy‘. A very interesting article for anyone who is just starting up their career or a job.

Summary of the article “Find canvases for other people to paint on.” One way of looking at this quoted statement is – Make other people look good, which may mean a lot of ass kissing (working) and giving up credit for your ideas. But the other way of looking at this approach is finding the direction someone already intended to head and help them pack, freeing them up to focus on their strengths. Ryan points us to a very important word from the Roman history in this article which is – anteambulo and it meant a person who clears the path in front of their patron. But the indirect point Ryan making is – The person who clears the path, ultimately controls its direction, just as the canvas dictates the painting.

What I’m reading/watching/listening to

Billy Graham: On technology and faith – This is a video from 1998 of Reverend Billy Graham’s legendary talk at TED 1998. In this talk, he marvels at technology’s power to improve lives and change the world.

He puts up a very interesting question which is till date to be solved through technology. The question was “How do we solve the evil inside the humans?”

Even though I tend to keep religion and related things away from my writing and articles. But I found this particular talk very interesting when one of the most important clergymen talked about technology and took everyone through the historical times of David.

P.S.: This is a YouTube link below if you want to go to the original TED talk link go here.


Quote I’m pondering on lately – Today’s quote is one of the quotes mentioned by Billy Graham in the Ted talk above.

“The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of… We know the truth not only by the reason, but by the heart.”

— Blaise Pascal (French mathematician, physicist, inventor of calculator, writer and Catholic theologian)

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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