Saturday-Pentacle – Week 25 – 2017

Saturday-Pentacle, Week 25 Issue


Saturday-Pentacle - Week 21 - 2017

Post of the week –

Review of the Katy Parry/Neil deGrasse Tyson Talk – Witness Worldwide

As you know, I really love audio production and love creating podcasts and interviews on SoundCloud. This Anchor radio app which I featured on this Saturday-Pentacle issue of week 22 as well, really blew my mind when I first used it this week to see how much time it takes to create the similar 8 minutes podcast production, which usually takes me 2 hours to produce and publish through my blog and believe me or not the total process took 10 minutes including the 8 minutes of recording.

So this above piece is the first recording or segment (as they say in Anchor app) from yours truly. It’s a review of an interview which I heard very recently and it blew my mind. This interview was part of promotion I guess of Katy Parry’s latest album Witness and this particular interview/talk event was called ‘Witness Worldwide’.

Guess what? After this interview, I’ve started liking Katy Parry more than I usually did. Psss… I always thought her as a teenage dreamer.

Guess what one more time? She is 32! Not a teenage dreamer after all!

P.S.: If you are not able to see Anchor Player window above. Click here to listen to this review.

My most popular Instagram post recently

Underneath the air traffic control!


A piece of a vlog from a few weeks back!

Article(s) I’m enjoying (and pondering)

51 Popular Books Summarized in 3 Sentences or Less – In a hurry but want some quick wisdom? This article from James Clear is a neat collection of 51 books review in 3 sentences or less. Of course, many of us don’t have time to read the number of books we should generally read as humans or some of us aren’t just readers by choice. But this collection can really help you level up your wisdom in many areas like -Intellect, Business, Productivity, Goals settings etc with the least investment of time.

What I’m reading/watching/listening to

Well! This talk event really blew my mind. So putting the original video in this section this week.

I was so thrilled after listening to it, that I did a review of it on my Anchor Channel.

I see Katy Perry in a new light now and hats off to Neil deGrasse Tyson!

Quote I’m pondering on lately – Pss…This week’s quote is also referred from the Neil, Katy talk.

“The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go.”

— Galileo Galilei

Until Next Saturday!

Thanks for reading.


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